Services LuPi Web Design The page weaver
LuPi Web Design Services
All my pages are custom design, you let me know what your business is and I do your web site to suit the business, than I upload it to the net make adjustments and any changes you suggest, and
if you like the final product the site is yours. If you don't there is no charge you simply go somewhere ells.
Maintaining you pages will cost you, charge is monthly, price negotiable
Logos and graphics are included in your web site.
LuPi Web Design Professional Search Engine Submission We can submit your entire website to the worlds most popular search engines including Google, MSN, Lycos, Yahoo, in reality there are only 3 search engine that handle over 90% of world searches Google, MSN and Yahoo!.
LuPi, "The Page Weaver", design the pages the way it should be
Web pages are very important for any company trying to operate in today's marketplace. Your web page design is the most effective way to promote your company to the public. By keeping these elements in mind I can design your web page the way it will produce substantial marketing benefits and are genuinely useful for those who visit them.
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